
Studies in Dogmatics: Man: The Image of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

This is the eighth volume to appear in the American edition of Professor Berkouwer's Studies in Dogmatics. Like its predecessors, it stands independently of the series as well as being a part of a larger theological whole. Like the other books, too, this study in theological anthropology, or the Biblical doctrine of man, is a fine example of Reformed theology being defended and developed through...

analysis and knowledge of others and of ourselves. “Know yourself!” said the oracle of Delphi, and there already was implied that such self-knowledge was not a simple and obvious thing which everyone possessed. It is often apparent that man’s self-knowledge is extremely limited and incomplete, and that man’s picture of himself does not correspond at all with the actuality of his nature. It seems undeniable that “our eyes become clouded” more quickly in examining ourselves than in examining others.15
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